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Lice Free Shampoo From LiceWise

The best way to treat lice is to prevent lice. LiceWise, a complete lice removal service providing lice removal and treatment in Oregon and SW Washington, also offers a complete line of lice free shampoo to keep lice at bay. Using this specially formulated shampoo will give every strand of hair its own anti-lice line of defense.

Head lice are wingless, parasitic little organisms that can survive in the hair of the human head. Lice need to consume blood in order to survive, so they bite into the skin, secrete a substance that prevents the blood from clotting, and feed about four or five times a day. While they can be found anywhere on the scalp, they are most commonly found on the area of the back of the neck and around the ears. Anyone can get head lice, but they’re more of a concern to school children because of how close they get when they congregate or play with classmates throughout the day. Head lice are spread by direct contact with someone who already has lice and by sharing certain articles with someone who already has lice, like a hat, hoodie, comb, pillow, etc. While head lice need to be attached to a host in order to survive long term, they can survive for about 24 hours off host.

LiceWise’s lice free shampoo is a great option for any parent or guardian of a school aged child who wants to reduce the risk of having a child bring home lice. Have your child use LiceWise lice free shampoo during every shower and give your child the line of defense they need to keep head lice at bay. Sulfate free and made from essential oils, our lice free shampoo is safe for children of any age, whether they be in kindergarten or high school.

In case you weren’t able to start using our lice free shampoo fast enough and have discovered lice already living on the head of someone in your home, LiceWise offers both in person lice removal and treatment as well as telephone lice removal consultations. If you select the former service, we will come to your residence in Oregon or SW Washington and administer a complete Shepard Method lice removal and treatment regimen which includes a head inspection of all members of the family, comb out, strand by strand removal, after-treatment follow up, and more. The Shepard Method is perhaps the most thorough and effective method for removing and treating head lice.

If you would prefer to eradicate your lice problem on your own, we can walk you through every step of the process, from inspection to treatment, over the phone. Services also include group inspections (for camps, churches, schools, etc.) as well as lice prevention workshops. We also offer a hardship discount on our lice inspection and treatment service if your family currently receives WIC, SNAP, free lunch, or reduced lunch benefits.

To learn more about the services we offer, and to browse our selection of lice free shampoo and other lice fighting products, visit us online at LiceWise.com.

Head Lice Removal in Portland

Lice are very tiny parasites that can survive off the blood of humans. The most common type of lice – especially among school aged children – are head lice. Head lice are common among school aged children because the tiny wingless parasites can be spread by little more than close contact, which children often have with classmates and playmates. Contrary to what many might think, hygiene is not an indication of a risk of catching lice, so people who catch lice should not be assumed to have poor personal hygiene. Anyone can catch lice, and even though close contact with another person who already has lice is the most common way for the parasite to spread, it’s also possible for lice to survive for brief periods without a host, like on the fabric of furniture, clothing, or toys. Specializing in lice identification and lice removal in Portland, Oregon, LiceWise has helped families throughout the greater Portland area to eradicate head lice.

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of head lice include intense itching of the scalp, the feeling of something moving or tickling the scalp, visible lice that will appear like small grayish white or tan bugs up to the size of a sesame seed (which would be especially visible around the nape of the neck and ears), small red bumps around the scalp (which are signs of lice feeding on blood), and the appearance of lice eggs at the base of hair strands. Lice eggs may appear like dandruff to the untrained eye, but they are actually tiny soft buds that grip onto the base of hair shafts and that can’t be easily combed away like dandruff can.

Parents looking for lice removal in Portland have a few options available to them, but most of them involve harsh chemical treatments that many parents would simply prefer to avoid. As a professional service offering lice removal in Portland, LiceWise is a locally owned business that specializes in lice removal using the Shepherd Method as taught by the Shepherd Institute. Preferred by parents throughout Portland and beyond, the Shepherd Method is based on a thorough, strand by strand inspection of hair for the presence of head lice. Using the Shepherd Method, we perform lice treatments right in the comfort of your home and we can inspect every member of the family. While inspecting your family for head lice, we will take the time to pass along helpful information about head lice and how to reduce the risk of bringing head lice into the home in the future. Following the initial consultation and removal of head lice, a lice removal specialist from LiceWise will follow up with your family to ensure there has been no return of head lice and the initial treatment was a success. The cost of this follow up is included in your initial LiceWise treatment.

Owned by a Shepherd Institute certified lice removal specialist Kathy Aragon, LiceWise is a service you can trust whenever you need lice removal in Portland. For more information on lice removal in Portland – or to learn more about head lice, how head lice is spread, and how to prevent head contact LiceWise today.

Head Lice season

Our company, LiceWise, constantly gets asked the question, “When is head lice season?” The answer is that there is no specific head lice season, however, head lice infestations do seem to be more prevalent in children as a new school session starts each year and children are in close contact with each other. A head lice infestation can occur in any month of the year. The bottom line for you is that head lice season is any time that you personally have to deal with head lice.

Head lice infestations are frustrating for students, teachers, and parents alike. Sometimes, a head lice outbreak at a school can affect students for months. This can leave you wishing for a cure all for head lice. Unfortunately, there is not a magic cure for head lice. Research shows that the most effective treatment for head lice is a good combing. If you live in the Oregon or South West Washington area, LiceWise can provide you with cost effective and efficient head lice removal services. We will get the head lice out of your family’s hair.

When there’s a head lice outbreak at your child’s school it’s head lice season for you. Children with head lice should be treated and be free from lice and nits before being allowed to come back to school. Nits, are white and about the size of a knot in common thread. Lice are more grayish and are commonly compared in size to a sesame seed. If your child has head lice, there is about a 50% chance their head will be itchy. Many times, head lice present with no itchiness or other warning signs that they are present, only methodical checking of head and hair can insure a family member has no head lice. A thorough check of your child’s head and hair for lice should be preformed every day or two until the head lice outbreak is over. If you want to tackle your head lice season on your own, LiceWise does offer consultation calls and a lice removal kits.

If you partner with LiceWise, you can conquer head lice season confidently. We utilize the Shephard Method Treatment Process. This includes a head check for each family member, an initial comb out and application of product. The Shephard Method was developed by Katie Shephard of the Shephard Institute and is a proven treatment for head lice and nit removal.

The fact is that many head lice have become resistant to regular over the counter treatments like Nix or Rid. The Shephard Method gets to the root of the problem and takes about 1 hour for short hair and 2 hours for long hair, depending on hair thickness and severity of the infestation.
After the product is applied, we do a strand by strand nit removal. This is why it takes so long, but it’s also why it’s so effective. You then get a blow dry and a final re-check after treatment. You get an extra comb out as well and two follow-up rechecks. We want to make sure that your head lice season comes to an end as soon as possible.

We are happy to help you get through your head lice season. We regularly perform group head lice checks at schools, churches, camps, and more. We’re LiceWise and we service Oregon and South West Washington areas. For more information about our head lice removal services contact us today.

Getting rid of Head Lice

Head lice infect each year approximately 12 million people around the world. Most people think children can only get head lice. However, any person can have head lice.

What Are Head Lice?

Head lice are tiny insects, their nits/eggs are the size of a sesame seed. They live on human heads, and they cause your scalp to itch. Other symptoms of head lice include a tingling scalp and red bumps on your scalp and neck.

How Are Head Lice Spread?

By far the most common way lice can be spread is when people hug and their heads touch. Another less common method of transmission is by coming into contact with hats, helmets, combs, and brushes that were used by a person with head lice.

Head Lice Removal

Head lice infestation is a highly treatable condition. This is good news for people who suffer from the condition. In fact, there are several lice removal actions you can take to get rid of head lice.

1. Hire a professional who knows how to get rid of head lice. Some lice removal service uses safe and effective head lice removal treatments to eradicate head lice. This is by far the most effective lice removal treatment.

2. Apply a generous amount of olive oil to your hair. Olive oil covers head lice and prevents them from breathing. In order for this treatment to be effective, you must keep olive oil on your hair under a shower cap for hours. Head lice are resilient, and it takes time for them to die after they stop breathing.

3. In addition to either of these methods, clean, or avoid for a short time, those items that have come in contact with the head lice. Head lice can only survive up to 48 hours without being on your head. If you or a loved one gets head lice, select one of these lice removal methods to effectively get rid of head lice.

4. In order for any method to be completely effective in removing head lice, it must be combined with vigilant combing with a quality head lice comb.

Methods which are common, but not recommended because of their toxicity and/or ineffectiveness are:

1. Using an over-the-counter product that contains pyrethrins. Pyrethrins seek destroy the nervous systems of head lice, pyrethrins is an active ingredient found in common head lice removal treatments. Head lice continue to become readily resistant to pyrethrins and toxic, therefore, this method is absolutely not recommended.

2. Getting a prescription for benzyl alcohol lotion. Your doctor can prescribe this medicine for you. It will get rid of live head lice in two applications. When you use this lotion, the head lice removal technique takes about two weeks to get rid of the lice. This method is effective for people over the ages of 6 months, but is even more toxic than using pyrethrins.

3. Apply heat to your hair. An effective natural head lice removal treatment is to use the heat from your hair dryer to kill the lice. This method can be risky because of amount of heat needed and length of time can cause burning.